Eurimages awards 4 Romanian majority or minority projects for financial support

The results of the third Eurimages Project Evaluation Session of 2022 have been announced. Further to recommendations made by independent experts meeting online, the Executive Committee of the Fund has decided to support 24 feature films, including 4 documentary and 3 animation features, for a total amount of €6.707.000.
Of the 24 projects supported during the session, 13 were directed or co-directed by women. This represents 53.7% of the total funding awarded.
Four Romanian majority or minority co-productions were awarded:
Blue Banks – r. Andreea Cristina Bortun (România, Franța)
Titanic Ocean – r. Konstantina Kotzamani (Grecia, Franța, România, Germania, Spania)
The Faun – r. Augusto Zanovello (Franța, Polonia, România) – animație
Things We Said Today – r. Andrei Ujica (România, Franța, Belgia) – documentar
Eurimages New Lab Awards
At its meeting on 9 – 10 November 2022, the Board of Management of Eurimages approved the creation of a series of New Lab Awards aimed at promoting and celebrating both established and emerging non-conventional filmmakers and visual artists known for their daring work, to give them greater visibility and to concretely support their ongoing careers.
Three calls for proposals will be launched simultaneously at the end of February 2023 to select, for the period 2024 – 2026:
– the two initiatives that will present the Eurimages New Lab Awards;
– the markets that will present the Eurimages Co-production Development Awards;
– the events that will benefit from Eurimages’ sponsorship.
Support for the Ukrainian Film Industry
The Board of Management of the Fund also approved a series of additional measures for 2023 intended to support the Ukrainian film industry during the present crisis. These include three special Co-production Development Awards for Ukrainian projects, three bursaries for Ukrainian female filmmakers and a partnership with the Ukrainian Institute to support the international promotion of Ukrainian feature films.
Since it was set up in 1988, EURIMAGES has supported 2 344 co-productions for a total amount of approximately 668 million euros.
Before applying for co-production support, all full co-producers of the project are invited to contact their national representatives on the Board of Management of Eurimages to inform them of their intention to submit an application.