
The Romanian Film Centre aims to achieve the following general objectives:

  • the development of the film industry in Romania
  • to establish the strategy for the development of the national cinema
  • to protect, develop and enhance the national film heritage
  • to promote film culture and education
  • to encourage private initiative in the fields of production, distribution and exploitation of Romanian films
  • to promote an open competitive system of access to the mechanisms and modalities of financing activities from the Cinema Fund
  • the affirmation of national cultural identity and of the national minorities in Romania, through the production and promotion of Romanian films in the world circuit of values
  • the development of European and international cinematographic cooperation
  • to support professional training in the field of cinema.

As per ART. 2 of GD 1064 of 8 September 2005 on the reorganization and functioning of the Romanian Film Centre


The main attributes of the Romanian Film Centre are:

  • under the coordination of the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, to develop the strategy and sectoral policies in the field of cinema, which it submits to the Government for approval
  • to draft and propose, for approval to the Government, through the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, normative acts pertaining to its field of activity
  • to issue rules and methodologies for the execution of activities in the field of cinema
  • to issue regulations, rules and instructions for subordinate institutions
  • to participate, together with the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the initiation and negotiation of conventions, agreements and other international agreements in the field of cinema
  • to propose to the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs the conclusion of conventions, agreements and other international cooperation agreements, as well as the accession to or, as the case may be, the ratification of international conventions in its field of competence
  • to issues rules, ensures the organization, functioning and administration of the Register of Cinematography, as a unitary instrument of record for natural and legal persons carrying out activities in the field of cinematography
  • to issue rules and ensure, through the Cinematography Register, the classification of films, as well as of the halls and theatres where films are shown or any other premises where films are shown to the public, according to the level of technical equipment and the comfort and viewing facilities offered to the public
  • to suspend or withdraw the established approvals and/or classifications in the event of non-compliance by the operators with the regulations in force, on a case by case basis
  • to administer and exploit the national film heritage, in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
  • to have the possibility of renting or leasing the assets of the national cinema heritage, according to the legal provisions in force
  • to provide financial resources for the preservation, restoration and valorization of Romanian cinematographic films, as well as of other goods that are part of the national cinematographic heritage
  • to ensure the efficient collection and administration of the Film Fund
  • in accordance with the law in place, to initiate the necessary regulations and, in an open competitive system, ensure the organization and process of the evaluation and according to the law
  • to grant, in accordance with the provisions of the law, direct credits for film production and project development
  • to grant non-reimbursable support for cultural and educational film programs, for the distribution and exploitation of Romanian films in Romania and abroad, and for art cinema
  • to analyze the use of the financial credits allocated from the Cinema Fund and take the necessary legal measures for their recovery, in case of non-compliance with the legal provisions and the clauses of credit contracts
  • to have the possibility to grant financial support, under the terms of the law, for the organization of film festivals, the participation of Romanian films and filmmakers in domestic and international film festivals by organizing stands, events and promotional actions within their frameworks
  • to initiate, organize and financially support, under the conditions of the law, any other forms of promotion of Romanian cinematographic creation and national cinematographic heritage
  • to award annually the National Cinematography Prize and have the possibility of instituting prizes for the creation and production of Romanian films
  • to develop specialized statistical indicators and ensures the collection of statistical data for its field of activity
  • to edit, publish and market the Statistical Yearbook of Cinematography, other specialized publications and have the option of supporting the editing of such publications
  • to have the option of initiating and marketing, directly or in collaboration, transpositions of Romanian films from the heritage of national cinema, on any kind of support, in compliance with copyright and related rights legislation
  • to establish, with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, the prices and tariffs for the services it provides, as well as for those provided by its subordinate institutions;
  • to organize and finance training and further training activities for persons who exercise professions specific to the field of cinema and for which there are no special forms of schooling and issues professional certificates for this purpose
  • to collaborate with non-governmental organizations, trade unions and employers in the field of cinema and other civil society structures
  • to controls and ensure compliance with the regulations in the field of cinema, and to aplly the contraventions provided for by law
  • to control the fulfilment of the obligations to pay contributions to the Cinema Fund, under the conditions and within the terms established by law
  • to provide specialist support to producers, distributors and cinema exhibitors for access to domestic and international forms of financing
  • to propose to the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs the representation of Romania in international or intergovernmental bodies in the field of cinema
  • to endorse and approve, as the competent national authority, applications for acceptance to the European co-production legal procedure
  • to ensure the functioning of the selection committees for film projects and the classification committees for films and cinemas
  • to collaborate with educational structures for the implementation of film education and culture programs

(2) The National Cinematography Centre shall perform any other duties provided for by law.

As per Article 6 of Government Ordinance no. 39/2005 on cinematography